26 February 2011

If I would just stop craving the sound of your voice, but then

If I could halt the remembering of the taste of your skin, but then

If I might not recall the feel of your hands on my body, but then

If I should ever forget the burn of your touch, but then

If I disinherited the ownership of your sighs, but then

If I were immune to the weight of your promise, but then

08 February 2011

my one dear love, where will you stand when my train comes in?
in the dark, I wind my way around the puddles that only yesterday I jumped in with abandon

When thoughts of you arrest me in the day,
I catch my breath like clenching a fist
and stare at some small token in this life
and focus on nothing else until the feeling passes like a ghost
but I don't believe in ghosts

my sole true love, where will you be when the station closes down?
with such snares at night and so many traps in the day, what pitfall for tomorrow waits?

What do I have to guide me, what beacon or map
and will it be there when I stop lamenting my lot?
or will I have finally pushed the compass into a corner
where it can neither be seen nor felt
nor tearfully pried loose?

31 January 2011

The distance of her is beginning to dull
such small mercies cannot be too lightly taken
by unteachable souls like mine
holding fast the rope anchored in time
long past the point of unraveling pull

The reluctance of him is starting to show
piece by piece like a shy child, patiently waiting
for the gaze of the looker to chance, drop,
willing only for the focus to stop
and pierce instead some minute undertow

The incandescence from them is waning a bit
not unlike the moon, sky appetite sating,
by carving a portion wider each day
then reversing to retrace the way
only to repeat the regret the heart won't forget

13 January 2011


Wind rakes through the blades of grass,
Miniscule avalanche clouds the hourglass
Didn't mark the bank with a stone
Failed to glance back and lost the way home

Under ladylike shelter of parasol trees
Verity floats down and stings like a bee
Falsehoods that snagged as they fell past my lips
Slick like a stone held in too tight a grip

Foxglove stalk dragged across my tongue
Bite down gently, whether whispered or sung
Oh, that the gods would promise relief
from the heat that singes tender leaf

Turn back straining to catch the notes
rushing water a lullaby fast becoming rote
How quickly the heat renderings can blur the way
and conjure the night by consuming the day

08 January 2011

I've been existing underneath a thin veil
that hugs the contours of my soul
coloring the dreams that drift in
and taming the things that seep out

When you came in and lifted the edge
like an unexpected gust of wind
it pulled away at the corners, tugged at the seams
and I caught a glimpse of who I could have been